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Visual Assignments – Week 4

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Not quite drowning, not quite breathing… I’m somewhere between gasping for air and swallowing a lot of ocean. The pressure, you could say, got to me this week. I completed all my daily creates  but only three visual assignments, two of which were different takes at the same one. I’m getting my sea legs back slowly, but here is my wobbly week 4 in review.

Visual Assignments:

Splash the Color” – Remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object. (Worth 2 stars)
RED LIPS - Splash the Color
In honor of Valentine’s Day, here’s a big red smooch from me to you. I used Picnik to turn the picture black and white, then used the brush to erase the effect on my lips.


Man on Fire - Splash the Color / Daily Create
Take two. I felt like I could do better, so I tried this assignment again, this time using a picture of my brother’s tattoo. Same technique, I used Picnik to paint on the black and white all over, the paint off the area of the tattoo design. I really love how to turned out!


Image with a Message” – Take a creative commons licensed image and add a famous quote. (Worth 1 star)
Inferior - Image with a Message
I love this quote … thanks to Marina Cast for the Creative Commons licensed image used to create this derivative art. I used Picnik to adjust the color of the photo and intensify it, then added the text in various sizes and colors to get the affect I desired.

There were so many more visual assignments I could have, should have, would have done. But alas, midnight struck and I turned back into a pumpkin with three kids trying to carve me to pieces. Ahhhh! On that note, you should see all the handy work my fellow DS106′ers created, it’s ah-mazing! Click here to go to the official DS106 page and see those who really took it home.

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