Assignment: Black out sections of a newspaper to create a new story, poem, picture, etc.
Didn’t have a newspaper on hand, I but wanted to give this a shot and did have a super old book of not enjoyable to read poetry (Robert Browning, ugh) which I had no qualms about writing all over. Lines done with a ruler and an ink pen. I like these better as design than as poetry; it’s kind of difficult for me to feel as if the words are fully my own, but they were still fun to play with.
Your popes and kings
hardly dare to see
the soul!
Do you forget already words like those?
See, it is settled dusk now;
the watch-lights show the wall
Inside the melancholy little house
We built
brick from brick
and what’s it worth?
World-wide wandering
dwindled into a ghost
finding failure in its scope.
A sick man very near to death
feels begin and end
of each
still the man hears all, and only craves
this quest.
Little river, good saints.
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