Oh! How I have always wanted to make silly animated gifs!
So, after hours and hours of trying to follow useless tutorials and obnoxious hundred-step processes… I realized that I had Adobe Media Encoder. The rest took like 2 minutes. Tops. Don’t I just feel the fool!
Anyway, here’s my first gif ever:
The one on the left is Matthew, a student of mine, teacher of mine and classmate of mine (I’m talking martially, here). On the right is Austin, a student of mine (and also of Matthew’s. We teach different styles and many of our students attend both my class and his).
While I was at this whole makin’ stuff thing, I also took some more Daily Create photos.
Daily Create 33 – A picture of confusion
This is only a slight exaggeration of my genuine confused face.
Daily Create 035 – Show us your desperate need to do some sit-ups
Oh no, wait. It was “show us your tattoos.” The sit-ups thing is just what I can’t help but think of whenever I see this picture. Ugh. In the upper left (your left, my right) is the symbol of my school (again, speaking martially). It’s the yin and yang, composed of a tiger and a dragon. On the right (your right, my left) is a black, broken heart and the words “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Emo, right? Then, on my pudge down at the bottom is the Eightfold Path in Sanskrit. It used to be legible (y’know, if you can read Sanskrit) but in the last few years, it’s gotten a bit stretched out and warped, if you know what I’m sayin’.
I’m going to go do some cardio, I think…
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