Did my first design assignment and decided to jump in feet first with the Really Reality TV assignment. So here’s my TV show:
Malibu: the Interventions
At Malibu Mornings, doctors apply a wide variety of therapeutic modalities to assist in uncovering the underlying trauma of each individual, especially if that trauma has to do with the stressful life of being a celebrity. Every modality is crucial in providing our treatment team with a three dimensional insight into each individual’s internal template: beliefs, behavior patterns, emotions, old messages, and core issues. These internal insights are brought back to our trauma therapist and to traditional group settings.
Intervention should be undertaken with the advice and counsel of a professional experienced with the intervention process. Interventions are delicate matters and it is vitally important that they be done properly. If a, friend, co-worker, loved one or family member is refusing to get help, please call or email us now, before it’s too late. But for now, follow your favorite celebrity’s rehab process each week on DS106 TV!
This process was quite entertaining.
Using the TV Show Name Generator, I got Malibu: The Interventions. The first thing I thought of was, of course, drug interventions. And if they have a show like Jersey Shore, then why wouldn’t they have a show about celebrity drug interventions and rehabs?
Then I started looking through the Flickr creative commons for photos, and got these three:
– Setting:
– Character:
– Action:
Then I had to come up the show description. As per the instructions, I typed the show name into Google and selected the first paragraph from the 5th hit, which turned out to be from a website called Intervention 180. I cheated a little bit on the second half of my show description – I took the second to last paragraph of the 10th hit instead of the last one, because I couldn’t figure out how to make the other one work. That 10th hit was Malibu Horizon.
Then I just changed around those two paragraphs a little bit to fit my story a little bit and BAM! Instant TV hit.
As for creating the show banner, I used GIMP, and I have FINALLY FINALLY mastered layers!!!! Yesssss. It is a good day. Anyway I just pasted the the pictures in, chose a black background, messed around with fonts and colors til I found a scheme I liked – I wanted to keep the overall image kind of bright (aside from the black background obviously).
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