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Got tats?

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I love tattoos, and I cannot wait to get more.  Unfortunately, tattoos come with a lot of stigmas and have to be hidden in the work place.  I understand that because I guess it can look unprofessional at times, but they really represent a person and show who they are.  Like my tattoos, for example, really mean a lot to me.  They’re not just random words or symbols I googled or chose from a book.  They actually have a meaning and I never regret them because they mean so much to me.

My first tattoo I got when I was a freshman in college in September.  My parents were thrilled (I hope you catch my sarcasm).  Not that they were mad, they just couldn’t believe within one month of college I already got a tattoo; they were worried for what was left to come!  It is true, tattoos can be addicting, but I refrained from my desires and didn’t get anything stupid after my first tattoo.  My first tattoo says “dream” on my foot.  The word dream means a lot to me, first of all it is a word that seems to always just pop up for me.  I have in my room on wooden plaques and people always seem to give me things with that word on it.  My nana just gave me a beautiful necklace that has “dream” on it; she said its to remind me to always go for my dreams. There are other reasons behind this tattoo, but I am not going to get into it now because it is a long story.  However, it is just a word that means a lot to me.  One of my favorite quotes, which was also my senior quote in the yearbook and is on the side of this blog is: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” by Eleanor Roosevelt.  I believe this is a wonderful saying to live by.

My second tattoo has the most meaning to me.  The Serenity Prayer is something very important to my family; it is kind of a saying we live by in a way.  My papa who died when I was younger always recited this prayer and he lived by it.  He thought it was a wonderful saying to remember; I agree.  My grandpa who was not a religious man, used to say it a lot before he died.  He found it comforting.  My mom also found a wooden plaque that has the serenity prayer on it which hangs in our living room.  I am also not a religious person myself, but this prayer means a lot to me.  This tattoo is on my left side and I put it there purposely.  It is always hidden, nobody really even knows I have this.  It is on my left side which is where my heart lies.  It is kind of just a reassuring tattoo for me because it is hidden and I really do not advertise it but it just reminds me of my family, myself, my papa, and my grandpa which comforts me knowing it is so close to me.


Anybody got cool tattoos?  Wanna share?  I look forward to them!

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