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A Cheetah on The Big Bang Theory, WHAT?

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Design assignment 4, I completed “Wait, Where’d That Guy Come From?” for 3 stars.  I decided to use my favorite TV show, The Big Bang Theory.  This show is ridiculously funny and I mean really who doesn’t love them some Sheldon Cooper! The cast is famous for eating dinners (Chinese) together while sitting around Sheldon and Leonard’s living room, so I thought that would be the scene to use.  I decided I wanted to insert a cheetah that was  licking it’s lips and staring Leonard, almost like he was going to attack him, next to Sheldon, as if the cheetah were Sheldon’s pet.  I placed the cheetah there because that is the spot where it looks like Leonard is looking. The expression on Leonard’s face looks confused, annoyed and worried all wrapped into one, well at least that’s what I concluded form looking at this picture, so I tried to make Leonard and the Cheetah look like they were having a staring contest.  I choose a cheetah because they are beautiful animals, and crazy fast, that I would be scared if I came up against one.

To do this assignment, I Googled “The Big Bang Theory” and saved the image I wanted to use.  Then I opened it in Photoshop.  I did not do anything special to this picture.  Next I Googled a “cheetah,” when I found one I liked, I saved it and opened the picture into a new window in Photoshop.  I had to cut the cheetah out from the background, so I could insert him into the picture of The Big Bang Theory and it would look like he belonged.  To do this, I used the Pen Tool and carefully outlined the cheetah (I am now almost a pro at using the pen tool).  I then clicked make selection.  I used the Refine Edge tool to make the edges smoother and shifted a little.  I just played around until I found the right setting, where there were no more jagged edges around the cheetah.  Then I cut the cheetah from that page, and pasted it into The Big Bang Theory’s picture.  I positioned it in the correct spot by clicking the layer containing the cheetah and then clicking the Move tool.  Finally I ended with this, which I think portrays the staring contest very well and makes the cheetah look like he belongs when clearly he doesn’t. Enjoy!

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