When people talk to me about movies, I feel like a Mom-a-zoid. My Netflix recommends I watch Dora and Strawberry Shortcake. So when I need to think of an idea to create a minimalist movie poster, I naturally think of Disney- the king of big budget, lavish design. Think I did I good job shrinking over-the-top Disney down to minimalist size? I actually wanted to go simpler (with silhouettes) but didn’t find a graphic I like and I’m fresh out of amphibians.
Great news though! I finally completed something using GIMP! I probably could have created this just as well in Paint, and even faster in Picnik, but I am determined to learn hands-on how to tame this beast. The process was simple enough: open the graphic, fill with background, layer on some text. Done! Hey, it’s progress and I’ll take it!
(Click here to read the details of the assignment and to see other submissions.)
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