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Take your best guess

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I had fun with this assignment. The hardest part wasn’t the design aspect, but picking the movie and filtering it down to 4 icons. Once I knew which movie I wanted I just googled it to see what came up and took my ideas from there. I got most of my icons from the noun project but some came from wiki commons. I used gimp to put them together. I gave aviary one last shot on this one and it still frustrated the crap out of me so im on gimp from now on. Not that gimp is all that much better. I know that there is a reason for all of its insanity, but as a new user it’s a bit overwhelming. Having to double click for every tool is a pain and I had some scaling issues that were affecting layers I wasn’t using. I am getting better with layers though.

So, without further ado, here are my four icons. Can you guess the movie?

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