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tdc week 5

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TDC #36: Take a photo of a food being served or eaten in an unconventional way


Drinking two cocktails at once is pretty unconventional, is it not? Yes, this photo was cropped for anonymity. No, this is not a photo of me. Yes, that pink cocktail may or may not have been very delicious and tasted like an alcoholic starburst.

TDC #37: Take a photograph of a toy in action

magic 8 ball

I sometimes consult the magic 8 ball when I have a pressing question. It’s been known to happen. The magic 8 ball gives me an answer, then the answer proceeds to come true in the strangest or worst possible way. This is why I am very careful about asking the magic 8 ball questions now. I make sure my questions are very specific and leave little room for the magic 8 ball’s interpretation. That’s right. I beat the system.

TDC #38: Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel


I recreated an old photograph of me. In the original photograph, I was about the age that my little sister, Mia, is now. I feel pretty old when I think about that.

TDC #39: Take a photo of a bird today

yellow bird

The day of this Daily Create was rainy, so there weren’t many birds out. Luckily, my friend and I went to PetSmart to see the kitties and I was able to take this picture.

TDC #40: Take a photo of someone else’s artwork in an interesting way to make it yours


This is another poppy painting that I have. This one was painted by my cousin for me over the summer.

TDC #41: Take a photo of your most prized possession


I honestly had no idea what my most prized possession was when I read this prompt. First, I interpreted it as the most important thing in my life. However, the most important things in my life aren’t tangible. I eventually ended up looking around my room and asking myself, “If there were a fire and I could only save one thing, what would I save?” which led to “What do I own that’s irreplaceable?” The answer is the mug that Jesse Eisenberg signed the first time I met him after watching his play, Asuncion.

TDC #42: Take a photo that represents your current job


I currently work at Starbucks. This picture was taken last week when I made raspberry toffee nut white mocha whipped cream. It was yummy. Full disclosure, I secretly make different flavors of whipped cream when I work because I can and because it’s delicious.

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