36: Take a photo of food being eaten or served in an unconventional way. Piet Mondrian in fruit and chocolate. Most delicious daily create yet.
37: Take a photo of a toy in action. Logic toys.
38: Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. I like feeling like a little kid; swings are awesome for this. It is rather difficult to photograph yourself on a swing.
39: Take a photo of a bird. Bird graffiti found on a door in one of downtown Fredericksburg’s best alleyways.
40: Take a photo of someone’s artwork in a way that makes it your own. Original artwork done by the amazing Beehive Collective; coloring done by anyone who passes through my living room and would like to add to it.
41: Take a photo of your most prized possession. Real most prized possession is an old guitar currently too far away to photograph, but these will do.
42: Take a photo which represents your current job or a job you once had. I used to work in an antique shop — we sold a ton of records.
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