Assignment: Create a radio bumper for DS106 Radio.
So this is pretty far off from my original idea for a radio bumper (which ended up needing a really good Jim Morrison impression, which I couldn’t pull off in a million years). Kept going with this one for Audacity practice. The voice is my own, with the pitch and bass altered, then amplified so it could be heard over the music. The music is from a song called My Radio (AM Mix) by Stars. I copied and pasted several different parts of the song, then mashed them together. Making the transitions sound smooth is difficult; I’m pretty pleased with how it came out in the first portion, but once it gets to around 18 seconds in the transition is kind of messy. Played with fade in and fade out effects, then amplified that portion a bit to match up with the amplification of the surrounding sounds. Curious to know if anyone has any tricks for better transitions (other than the obvious choose something that blends together better).
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