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Radio Show Progress

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For our DS106 Radio Show assignment, my group (Tiffany, Christie, Justin, and I) chose to create one that is about stories of embarrassment, heartbreak, pet peeves, and for the “Special College Edition,” bad roommate stories. We titled it “You’re Not The Only One” because the idea is that the listener is tuning in because they want to be assured they’re not the sole victims of embarrassment/heartbreak/etc. The whole premise of our show is Tiffany and Justin sharing these little anecdotes with the listeners. They come in the form of fake emails, fake phone calls, Christie and I doing “field reporting,” and from our own personal stories.

Last night we met in DuPont and created one bumper, one commercial, and about 2 and a half minutes of content in Audacity and uploaded them to SoundCloud. We still have quite a ways to go, but we’re making pretty good progress.

You’re Not the Only One by fanfare07

Tonight, in class, I created the poster/logo for our little show. I did it in Gimp and it wasn’t hard at all. I just googled embarrassing pictures and found a funny one of a chimp.

We’re also figuring out who will be doing what while we’re gone on our spring break next week. It’s all coming together nicely, I think.

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