Listening to my own recorded voice has always made me cringe. It is always different from the way I hear myself or think I will sound. Then you have to add in the fact that I am inebriated for the majority of the recordings and saying whatever I think will get a laugh in that moment. The entire time I was terrified that it would bomb or that people would take it too seriously and think that what we said for the show was what we actually believe.
Keelin did a great job putting everything together. the spacing of the segments were good and Danny’s sober advice came at just the right moments. I felt bad that I had missed an “asshole” during editing. It was almost funnier to have all of the cursing bleeped out.
Now that it’s done and over with I feel a little bit better. Alan assured us we didn’t bomb and we got a few laughs out of the crowd. I hope everyone else listening liked something from it, or at least doesn’t hate us for what we said in pursuit of humor.
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