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Reflection On Web 2.0

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Web 2.0 was an invention whose idea started with two men at a conference. They decided that the web was becoming more and more important in the eyes of the nation, so they decided to come up with a better invention called Web 2.0. Indeed, it is a better version of everything that was invented before. For example, they compared what Web 1.0 has invented, which could be ā€œOfotoā€ and they tried to come up with a better invention, namely ā€œFlickrā€. Essentially, Web 2.0 created a better version of whatever else existed.

On the other hand, this article about Creative Commons explains the need for individuals to respect otherā€™s work. Although referring to someone else work to create derivate works can be extremely helpful, one should never take advantage of such privilege. An individualā€™s property should not be others common ground unless theyā€™re authorized to do so. Therefore, Creative Commons offers an alternative to traditional copyright. Before Creative Commons existed, the rules about copyright were strict. It was an ā€œall or nothingā€ proposal. I think that Creative Commons offers that better rules on how to use others property in that sense. Besides it is important that individuals who are seeking Higher Education to use these sources in a respectful manner.

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