This was a very interesting process. Emily, Lindsay, Ashley and I all got together and brainstormed what topics we would likes to cover for our radio show, what would be appealing to our target audience? After we brainstormed we tried to talk out how we wanted our show to sound before we started scripting it. We simply threw out ideas and jokes to play with. Then we drew a rough script to work with. After we did all this we went into a media room and started up GarageBand. Emily and I worked on one computor while Lindsay and Ashley worked on another. We each recorded segments and then were goint o piece them together. However, we all recorded on garageband, so we ran into some issues with combinding them into one podcast. After we figured that out the editing was more than a little frusterating because we were still new with the program. Once we did this we played with our transitions and bumpers and such. That was the fun part! Picking ones that went along with our theme. This process was a lot of work but I think that it was definitely worth while. After we placed it against the ruberic and discussed it in terms of transfer for the regents. I was able to see the correlation directly. It was really exciting for me to see this connection and think about how I could use a podcast or something of the sorts in my classroom.
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