Jesus Christ Superstar is my Favorite film, directed by Norman Jewison. It’s originally created by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Its tells an amazing story of the conflict between Jesus (Ted Neeley) and Judas (Carl Anderson) during the week before Jesus is crucified. I was probably 10 years old when I first watched this film. It was late at night, and the only channel I was allowed to watch at that age was PBS lol. It just happened to be playing this particular movie, and I was sucked in, I fell in love with the music, the scenery, costumes and theatrical acting; talk about experience the power of the holy ghost. Since then I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched this film, but lets say over 100. I own the DVD, the soundtrack is on my iPhone and sometimes I visit youtube to watch my favorite scenes.
My favorite scenes from the movie are
- Got the Power
I like this scene because of the music, Got the Power is one of my favorite songs from the soundtrack, also I like the intensity of the dancers. Also the cinematography is well done, capturing not only the well choreographed dancers, but also the silent intensity between Judas and Jesus.
2. Judas Death
I like this scene a lot, I get teary eyed every time I watch it. I think Carl Anderson did an amazing job capturing the essence of Judas. His acting along with the amazing music/scoring really showed me that Judas was a complexed individual which also had a heavy burden to carry out.
3. Gethsemane
Another tear jerker, I’ve forwarded to this scene many times. Again great music, a powerful scene showing the pain, fear of Jesus’s own doubts about the plan his father has bestowed upon him. Such a heavy and lonesome burden he had to carry through with. Also great cinematography, I love the scenery shots and the close ups. I think Ted Neeley did an outstanding job portraying Jesus Christ, he can really hit some high notes.
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