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Minimalist TV/Movie Poster

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For the Minimalist TV/Movie Poster design assignment we were to Create a tv/movie poster that captures the essence of the story through the use of minimalist design/iconography. Here i chose a couple of my favorite movies.This assignment was fairly simple i just added text to pictures that convey the idea of the movie.

The first movie i chose was I Am Sam,
child hand with paper plane

In the movie Sam who had a mental disability, was a kid at heart. With a kid of his own, he found ways to entertain her by teaching her how to make origami and paper planes. I found the simplest picture of a hand holding a plane against a blue sky to show that although he has a disorder he could not be stopped. He was above all the negativity, criticism and judgement and just lived to make his daughter happy.


My second selection was my alltime favorite movie Man On Fire,

man on fire

here i found an image of a burning stick figure which has no relation to the movie at all but i figured that it is clever because technically most people in that  movie did get burned.


My final choice was The Lovely Bones, alothougth the movie made me cry, my creation made me laugh.

lovely bones


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