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Up for an Indiana Jones marathon?

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The Indiana Jones movies are just classic and are definitely up there on my Top Movies list. So for the Trilogy Trailer Montage assignment I decided to do the first three Indiana Jones movies. At first I was going to include the fourth one, the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (trailer here if you haven’t seen it) but in the end I decided not to, for two reasons.

One, it really doesn’t fit in with the themes of the other movies quite as well. A lot of people hate the movie entirely for its more science-fiction aspect. Two…I couldn’t find any decent clips that I really liked. So that was enough to kick it out of my project.

So this mashup trailer includes the first three movies: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Temple of Doom, and the Last Crusade. I tried my best to make it seem like Indy was going on all three adventures in one movie. I realize that the Temple of Doom actually occurs first chronologically, but since most people think of it as the second movie in the trilogy, I just left it as second.

I had to use Audacity a lot to edit a few sound tracks to cover up the silent areas during the text slides, as well as other scenes that I cropped out but still wanted to continue the music. That was definitely the hardest part, getting my music clip to match up with the trailer clip. I think I did okay though.

I used iMovie for the rest of the project.

And now I am going to go watch at least one of these movies to satisfy my sudden craving for Indiana Jones…

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