This is a video assignment for my new made video assignment. I made a video assignment called make a tutorial. This is a basic horsebackriding tutorial. A few weeks ago I took my horse tag out and my dad helped video recorded me riding. Its very weird to watch myself riding lol I can pick out everything I do wrong! Anyway… I took the SD card from my dads camera and put all the videos on my copmuter. I used AVS to edit them. THe video begins with walking and lots of turning . I had to edit out alot of footage for times sake. THe trotting the jumping a small cross rail. I skiped cantering because Tag hasnt been so good lately at the canter. He threw me the a little before I did this video. lol He is out of shape and cant hold himself up at the canter very well its frustrating but since gotten much better! He is a forward horse and loves to run a jump. I added a song ” too close” by Alex Clare in the background and narrorated the video myself. I did this all useing AVS! It has taken me a while but another work done! more to come lol I have lots of works in progress at the moment!!! ENJOY
By the way its takes quite a bit so i definitally think it should be a 5 star
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