Digital citenship is an important concept for our students to understand, each one of the elements. It is equally, if not even more important for teachers to understand and adhere to this concept. The first step is for us to understand that access to electronics is essential, in every way, not simply some ways. Communication through technology is a large part of digital citezenship. There are so many portals of communication electronically, that is enhances learning in the classroom. The ability to communicate and collaborate with so many people from all over is a concept that should be implemented in education for students to learn in multiple ways from many people. What is important with commnication is using proper conduct at all times. Students need to understand that expectation, and adhere to it. This is often a concern in the classroom. This is why it is increasingly imporant to adress this early on in the classroom so that students know how they are to ask when online. There are many other components of digital citezenship; however I feel as though these are the most important ones that need to be communicated in the classroom.
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