For the second assignment I created, I went with something related to Pinterest. It’s called That’s Pinteresting.
If you have a Pinterest account then you know how addicting it can be, and if you don’t, well, I feel bad for you.
The idea of this assignment is to create the Pinterest of a fictional character. Not actually create a Pinterest for them, but create what the screenshot would look like. Essentially, create something in Photoshop, Gimp, or whatever photo editing software you have that looks like it belongs to someone.
In the description I used the example that perhaps Harry Potter would be pinning things like “how to get rid of scars” or maybe Princess Leia is pinning “easy bun hairdos.” The possibilities are limitless if you have a character in mind and you know what they like or are interested in.
Personally to do this assignment, I would take a screenshot of Pinterest, either on the homepage or on my own page, and then in Gimp I would change the photos and captions to be ones relevant to the character I had chosen. That’s really all that would need to be done. I don’t think this assignment would be particularly hard.
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