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The Shaping of Stories

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I agree with all the story shapings that Vonnegut explained in his video. 1. A person gets into trouble, but overcomes it. 2. the average person gets something great, and it goes totally wrong. Or 3. A lower person starts off badly, good things happen, and they over come everything and remain triumphant.

I chose to talk about the shaping of the movie “Another Cinderella Story” and it is under number 3. It is basically the modern day Cinderella Story. Just Like Vonnegut stated in the video, the movie starts at the bottom with a teenage girl whose father’s died and she was living with her step mom. Of course, like always, the step mother treated her badly, but she found happiness in dance at her school. Along with that, there was a Super going to her school that she was dying to meet but her step mother wants her other daughters to meet him instead.

Vonnegut stated how good things happened to this person repeated by her “godmother”, but in the movie the teenage girl finally meets the Superstar and he treats her like a princess. Then like always, the climax comes when she wants to go to an important event but her step mother disapproved. But the Superstar, is the super hero, and dances with her at the event that she snuck to and helps her win a dance scholarship and moves out and away from her Step Mother. So like always the good person(the teenage girl) wins, and the bad person(the step mother) loses. the teenage girl remembers the day her life changes when she meet the Superstar and knows that he helped change her horrible life.


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