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Activities of Week 3

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Dear Mom,

I accomplished a ton this week at camp, I had some fun to. This week we started photography which is interesting to me and I had to do a bunch of assignments and some fun daily creates.

The first daily create I did this week was using my phone I took a picture of our backyard with the black and white effect turned on. I hardly ever use my phone to take pictures for some reason but I think I will start because the camera seems to work pretty well. The next daily create was to take a picture of something I envy. I chose to take a picture of my friends car which happens to be the same as the one I used to have before it broke down. I know have a much older model so I miss having a newer car. The next one was to take a picture that includes water, rocks, and the sky. I used a picture I took last week when I was at Yellowstone park

The assignments for this week were really fun, The ones I found to be the most fun were making a poster to demotivate and the Nine Lives assignment. In the demotivate poster I used a picture of Wayne Rooney who is an English soccer player, and just put a caption on the picture. I had a lot of fun looking through funny pictures and choosing that one. I also enjoyed looking through my old pictures and reminiscing on my child hood. Out of the five assingments I chose to do I found those to be the most interesting. Well its been a good week at camp cant wait for next week to start.



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