Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that started creative commons licensing, it is very similar to copyright. Copyright is a legal notion, giving the creator of a work, rights to it. With that being said, generally these rights have a time limit. The Creative Commons license lets the creator of the “work” to say which rights they want to reserve, which is similar to regular copyright laws. However they also they have the right to waive certain rights, so that their work can be used by others in different ways, while being able to maintain their original right….. In other words it gives everyone permission to use your work, with your permission and conditions. Also, at anytime those conditions can be changed. (I found wiki helpful for this research)
For now on I will be licensing my work the creative commons way because, I don’t mind people sharing my work. However I would probably put some limitations into place, but if someone can take something that I have done or can make it better then, I take it as a compliment, GO FOR IT!!!
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