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My Opinion on “This American Life”

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I like how Starlee Kine started off interacting with Glass and not just talking about her own views. Glass asked her a question and  she instantly asked him a question, instead of talking solely about the show without his input. In Part 4 of Glass’ serious, he talked about how you have to interact with the person to make it interesting and not boring with only one opinion. And one of the mistakes that people make is not interacting.

Secondly, Glass’ stated in his series that you have to get “tough” and make it good. Starlee wasn’t saying nice things about the reruns, but that is what made it fun. If she talked about the good and only the good, it would have been very boring.  Then there is Trent, he come off as very goofy to me during the interview. But he did one thing that Glass’ said that you should do, and that is talk in a normal voice. Trent did just that, you could tell he wasn’t trying to “show off” by sounding like someone else.

The marriage part was very interesting to me. Mainly, Robert and Tamar’s story. I was so interested in their stories because Glass stopped  in the middle of Tamar’s story so that we could hear Robert’s story and see how they were different. At that moment, I was like “woah” and when they tell their stories that are TWO different stories. The way that was set up was great.  Glass used comparison rather than letting them tell the story together, and made it so much more interesting.  Then when he revealed that to the couple that they told the story differently, it was funny how they basically blamed each other. Glass did a good job at making a regular story GREAT.

The part that talked about the comparisons with Rosa Parks, in my opinion was horrible. Sarah Vowell did what Glass’ said NOT to do. It seemed as if she had a sequence of words underlined, and she as very mono-toned.  She didn’t do a good job with getting rid of the boring things to make it interesting. It sounded like she as bored reading, and she really bored me.  The only thing she did do well was add in actual speeches or conversations. That was they only thing that gained my attention.

Each act had several of the point that Glass’ made in the series of videos. Some where good and some where horrible. But with all of that it showed me what to do and how to do it. First off, Don’t be too boring and make things interesting. Secondly, Never give up, you get better by doing more work. Thirdly, it’s hard to find a good story, but when you do make it suspenseful. Lastly, “ Failure is a part of success.”

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