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Return to the Silent Era: Mean Girls

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Please view my Pre-Production post to see how I first set up this video.

After completing the tasks mentioned, I then changed the video to black and white. The hardest part for me was figuring out how to slow down and fast forward the clips. They were both options under “Clip” in iMovie, but for some reason, it wasn’t allowing me to actually make the selection about how much I wanted to slow down or fast forward. I’m not even sure how I figured it out! I tooled around for a while and moved the files in the different editors and finally I was able to make the selection. This made the video look dated. I fast forwarded a lot of the clips, but I slowed down the ones with text and certain parts that I thought (or remember) being in slow motion in the movie.  also was able to add a video effect to my movie; I chose “Aged film.”

For the background music, I looked at the list of Sound Resources from Week 5 at Magic Macguffin. I chose to get my clip from Free Music Archive. I wanted the song to have an “Old-Timey” feel, so that is the genre I searched on the website. I found “Cutie” by Eubie Blake and His Orchestra after trying to match lots of different songs with the trailer. It seemed to work very well and I used it in the final product! I downloaded the song to iTunes and added it to my project in iMovie.

I thought this movie was a very unpredictable choice for this assignment (maybe not coming from me though!).

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