Before beginning this tutorial, you must have Adobe Photoshop CS5, some video editing software, and, for the sake of being thorough, access to the internet. Having basic Photoshop skills and knowledge will also help with using this tutorial.
This tutorial references my first visual assignment, the 488th day of summer.
Step 1*: Find the desired video clip on YouTube. This is the clip I used.
Step 2*: Download the video clip onto your computer. I used KeepVid.
Step 3**: Open your video editing software (I used Windows Live Movie Maker) and upload and edit the clip to the desired length. I recommend keeping it short. The longer it is, the longer this whole process takes.
Step 4: Open Photoshop and import the video.
Step 5: Go to Window and make sure Animation is checked.
Step 6: Make sure the animation is set to loop Forever.
Step 7: Save the animated gif. Once the screen pops up, hit Save.
*Steps 1 & 2 can be skipped if the video clip is already on your computer.
** Step 3 can be skipped if the video clip is already the desired length.
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