Whew! Looks like I survived week one of bootcamp!
What I thought of this week’s media…
When watching the Robert Hughes video I really like the comment he made about art making the world whole and comprehensible and adding glory to the earth’s nastiness through feeling and meaning. All in all though, I was not very intrigued by this clip. In regards to the Stephen Johnson video however, WOW. I really just enjoyed watching him draw his masterpiece. In fact, I had to watch it twice because the first time I was not even listening, I was just watching him draw. I always just thought good ideas came to you out of nowhere, but I found what he said about hunches meeting up to form a great idea very insightful. And last but not least, the John Cage rules for students and teachers, these apply to ds106 perfectly I think! (Minus the go to class part) I can definitely see how these rules could be the key to success. I really like rule 7 because I hate being in a class where I know someone who doesn’t do all of the work or does it really late and still gets a decent grade, when I bust my butt to do EVERYTHING ON TIME. I like the helpful hint about saving everything, because I do! I always think I might need something for future reference. (I have NEVER had to look back at ANY of it.)
I had so much fun with the daily creates! I actually used both of these as fun little study breaks from my other classes. They were so quick, easy, and most importantly a blast! I have never uploaded a video to youtube before and I keep checking to see how many views my key-chain video has (lame I know, but if you are curious as of right now I have 13 views! YAY!).
The other daily create I completed this week was drawing a picture of fire or smoke. I immediately thought of a campfire for ds106 boot-camp, a campfire just wouldn’t be complete without MARSHMALLOWS!
So far Daily Creates are my FAVORITE part of ds106.
My Accounts:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KierstenPyrtle
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kpyrtle/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC98dNgXah9pbYcTenGG6WdQ
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/kiersten-pyrtle
I can’t believe I actually get credits for this. #EXCITED#ds106
— Kiersten Pyrtle (@KierstenPyrtle) August 27, 2012
I think I am finally understanding twitter, and loving it! I’ve always been a facebook kind of girl, but I guess twitter isn’t so bad.
You can read my about me page if you want to get to know me a little better (if you watched that youtube video, I would totally understand you not wanting to know me better)
My first week…
So far I have not found any of our tasks difficult. I remember freaking out at the beginning of the week because I kept getting a “server cannot be found” message every time I tried to access my blog, but thankfully that has been resolved. This week I learned how twitter works (yes, I am a newbie) and I think I am learning how to come out of my shy shell. I am really excited to work with different programs and make creative things for this class, but I am dreading to create assignment ideas and tutorials. I like doing the assignments so far, but I don’t know how I will do creating my own. I am super excited for DS106!!
This is how I feel about surviving week 1! SUPER EXCITED!
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