Five Card Story: The One That Got Away.
a Five Card Flickr story created by Kiersten Pyrtle
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by bgblogging
flickr photo by auilix
flickr photo by Serenae
flickr photo by Serenae
Once upon a time, there was a dock with a beautiful white cat sleeping on it. Then, all of a sudden a bird landed on the dock to give his wings a break from flying. The sound of the bird landing woke the cat up. The cat was feeling lucky, and hungry for a little birdy snack. He slowly and quietly began to walk towards the bird. All of a sudden the cat got splashed by some teenagers jumping off a rock into the water. The cat was terrified of water so he ran away to hid from it! And the bird lived happily ever after!
This activity was so much fun! I was extremely skeptical of it at first. When reading the assignment description I thought it would be difficult, but it wasn’t! I really enjoyed being creative and making up a plot. Also, I think I really lucked out by drawing two pictures of a very similar looking cat. This assignment reminds me of mad libs in a way. I loved those growing up!
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