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Week 3 Summary

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So, this week isn’t going to include a video from me (sad, I know).  Unfortunately, I’m not going to have time to make one before this weekend!  Since I’ve been waiting to do my summary until after my Daily Create’s are in, I won’t have time.  Maybe next week we won’t have to do as many and I’ll be able to upload a video :-)

First, What is Storytelling: I don’t believe that my opinion has changed based on this one week of activities.  In my opinion, Storytelling is still rather objective and can have many different impacts depending on who the person is that is telling the story and where the story is being told.  My blog post goes into a lot more detail on the difference between a verbal story and a digital story and I hope that you take the time to check that out :-)

The Shapes of Stories [Breaking Bad Edition]:  I didn’t get nearly as many comments on my BrBa post as I would have liked, but maybe I’ll throw it out again via Twitter and see if any of the fish bite.  I really would like to get someone else to start watching this show because, if you haven’t, you guys are definitely missing out.  Shout out to Professor Burtis for commenting with me on how absolutely amazing the show is :-)  In terms of this show and analyzing the story, it made perfect sense to me.  What’s really great about this show is most of the arc is spent in the sad zone.  I mean, an inoperable lung cancer high school teacher who cooks meth?  How much lower can you get on the scale?  Seriously guys, go watch it!!

Blast from the Past:  I don’t think we have to include this in our weekly summary, but I’m definitely doing so because this person definitely deserves props for being able to do this.  Also, this is definitely something that I want to spend time doing later on in the semester.  I’m sure it’s going to be difficult, but I can’t wait to try it out!   If you haven’t seen this mashup video of Hugo and Inception, definitely check out this blog post please!

Week 3 Daily Creates:  I want to continue with the ‘clean’ look of this blog post, so I’d really rather not embed them in here since they are all there if you click on that link.  I’ll send a tweet to Professor Burtis and make sure this is okay before I submit my link to Canvas.  I definitely don’t want to lose any points for not following specific directions but hey, I was told I could make my own rules :-)  Compared to last week, I really enjoyed doing the Daily Creates a lot more.  The ones that we were told to do this week seemed to have a lot more weight and meaning behind them.  I was able to make a picture of my grandpa’s grave which was definitely something with meaning behind it.  Go check it out!

Tell a Story in Five Frames: Man, looking back at all this now, I really did do a lot of work on Monday.  I can’t believe that I got most of it done so quickly!  All of it is quality work too, I believe!  I had fun making this one because it was definitely something unique.  I’ve never taken pictures without describing them and being able to take five and have them tell a story was definitely something that I enjoyed doing for sure.

Participation Description: Blah, the Twitter link says that I’ve only done 6 #ds106 tweets, but I’ve definitely been WAY more involved this week than last week.  I’ve been tweeting like crazy to other people.  I just haven’t always included the #ds106.  I’ve commented on at least ten other blog posts that I found to be the most interesting and I would say that I stepped up my participation this week for sure…  A lot!

Five Comment Blog Post: So, I didn’t get my five comments, but I did get two!  Hopefully with this summary, I can get more people to check it out but I’m going to send a tweet out in a minute and include the post (again) to see if anyone else checks it out.  I really want more people to watch this show.  So far, I’ve gotten almost my entire family to start watching it and they can’t seem to put it down!

Overall, I would say that week three was a huge success.  I can’t believe that we’re already about to start week four.  This semester is going to by too fast.  I’m not enjoying how fast it’s going.  My other boring classes are even going by fast but I think that’s because this one is so intriguing to me.  I would say that I did the best that I could this week with what I created.  I’m really excited to see what I get to make next week.  I hope that you all enjoyed looking at my blog posts and reading about what I have to say!  I promise that if we have fewer Daily Creates next week, I’ll be posting a video instead of a summary.

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