Let me start by pointing out that the NHL is going into a lockout for the 2012-2013 Season in approximately 3 hours….Okay, now that that is out of the way, let me give you the rundown for my third week of Digital Storytelling. Wait, what is Digital Storytelling, you ask? What a coincidence, I have the answer here! Okay, that may not be the actual answer, but it’s my answer and I’m sticking to it!! And since you’re here, you must care about what I think, so read up!
Now, we’ll move on to the creating the Shape of Stories assignment…PLEASE BE AWARE THAT IF YOU CLICK THIS LINK, IT COULD RUIN THE MOVIE TED FOR YOU IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT!! (I’m putting this in because someone didn’t read my disclaimer on the actual post and then got mad at me…how silly of them, I don’t use CAPS for no reason now! We’re supposed to show a picture of our creation, but I don’t want to ruin the movie for anyone else…So go watch Ted and then come back and read my blog post about it! You won’t regret either of them =D
Okay, time for my favorite part of DS106, The Daily Create. I love having to do these for credit…I mean, seriously, I would do them just for fun! We had 4 to do this week, so lets get started!
TDC246, starts the week with “Take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry.” I have a short temper, so TONS of things make me mad…but I settled with a picture from December of my friend Courtney and I…
Okay, I don’t hate Courtney!(Well besides the fact that she is a Penguins fan, =/) However, the Penguins make me angry and I don’t like them. However, I do respect them as a team because they ARE good. (But that won’t matter this season, because we won’t be having a season!! sjdkfldsjklfsjdkl;fs) Anyways, to add to why this picture makes me angry is because the Capitals lost to the Penguins that night…
Okay, we’re going to switch gears here, so bear with me. This past Tuesday was the anniversary of 9/11. The TDC247 was “On this day, whisper a message of hope by candlelight(or flashlight)” Being an active member of the Fredericksburg Rescue Squad, I felt it necessary to do something a little bigger to remember our loved ones and put my own spin on the TDC:
I got a really good response from some of the DS106ers and I’m glad they appreciated what I did.
Now, to ease into the next TDC, I’ll let you know that while I was shuffling vehicles around to make this video, I goofed and drove away with one of the charging cables still attached to the response vehicle…Needless to say, I needed to fix it…Luckily for me our members are very diverse and the person on the next shift was able to give me a quick rundown on electronics and wiring. Phew, didn’t have to get my ass chewed by the chief!
TDC248 was “Sidewalks are great for people watching. Make a photograph of a sidewalk scene today.”
Took this shot on the go…It’s a picture near the Nest(for those who are at UMW) of our lovely detour since they’re “doing construction” in front of Alvey…or Arrington…SOME FRESHMAN DORM! Anyways, I have yet to see them do any work over there…which is silly, because I’m really getting tired of walking around the library to get to class =/
This must be a week for ranting, because here comes TDC249. This day asks “Draw a picture of something you miss.” Now, I saw a couple pictures of people putting dogs…and I felt the same way, I haven’t had a dog since 2nd grade despite all my begging to my parents. However, I suck at drawing so I did the best I could and drew this instead:
This is the NHL(National Hockey League) logo…or supposed to be. And I miss this for 2 reasons. 1. They haven’t played since Spring and I’ve been waiting since then for the Capitals to start their new season 2. I miss it because it is going to be gone for A WHOLE YEAR. And that is not okay, and I am really pissed that they are going to lockout at midnight tonight…GRRRRRRRRR
Wrapping up for the week, we had to tell a story with photos…so naturally, I made a sandwich! Haha, best assignment this week! I got fed AND some work out of the way, #winning
Lastly, we were supposed to boost our participation. We were recommended to get GoogleReader…I did…IT WAS AWESOME! I feel like I’m so much more in the loop now that I can see my fellow DS106ers work! After figuring out how to use it, I went snooping through a few pages and posts and left my mark =) We were supposed to attempt to get some of our posts some attention…I guess I fail for that…but only because I didn’t really attempt to get attention, it kind of just happened! Anyways, I got 5 comments for Appreciating Past DS106 Stories assignment(which shockingly wasn’t required in our weekly checklist…but here, check it out!) 6 on my September 11th TDC, and 7 on My Five-Photo Story story. Go figure the food gets the most =P
I’m going to close out with sharing a few photos of what I did today. If you have any questions or want to see more, let me know! Thanks for reading!!!
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