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DS106 Radio Experience

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Today I listened to ds106 radio for 1 hour from around 7:45pm-8:45pm EST).  Unfortunately it wasn’t during a live performance.  To start listening to ds106 radio I clicked on the on the link on the ds106 radio page of what was now playing.  It then asked if I wanted to open or save the file and I clicked open and then it opened in iTunes, since that is the default player on my computer.  During this past hour it was all just playing from autoDJ.  I also started following @ds106radio on twitter earlier this week, I like following @ds106 radio because it lets you know what songs are being played and when live performances are.  Unfortunately I missed the live performances that were earlier in the week.  I like how on ds106 radio there is a variety of music being played.  It’s not just one genre of music like most radio stations are.  Most radio stations are either classic rock, top hits, religious music, or country (I know I missed a lot of genres but that’s usually how radio stations are)  So far I have listened to soul music, to rap music, to rock music, alternative, jazzy, country pretty much anything and everything. I have enjoyed my experience listening to ds106 radio because I like not knowing what song will come on next as I do while listening to any radio station.  Though I was not a big fan of everything being played I enjoyed listening to it. (I am not a big fan of rap or hip-hop music) I also like how there aren’t nearly as many commercials as a normal radio station.  That’s probably why I don’t listen to the radio as much, there are too many commercials.  I will definitely continue to listen to ds106 radio on my own time.  It is a great and by listening to ds106 radio more often I will probably be able to catch a live performance.  I will update this post when I am able to listen to a live performance (hopefully I’ll have time this week to listen to more ds106 radio),  so you can read my thoughts about that.  But for now my only tweet was that I was just starting to listen to ds106 radio.

Today I just decided to tune into ds106 radio and I just saw that there was a live show!  I listened to the live performance of @Drgarcia and ENIAC-Host: Kevin Cole-The National. It was great because I was listening in and they made a mention to me for thanks for listening in!  I have really enjoyed the music being played and the talk part of the radio.  I like listening to this live show because it played music that I like to listen to.  I like listening to anything alternative, rock, anything  with interesting sound.  I can listen to a lot of different music, but I’m not a big fan of hip-hop or rap.   It was great listening to a live radio show than just AutoDJ (though I enjoyed autoDJ)  Below is a screen shot of the server status page:

ds106 radio screen shot

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