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Turn The Volume Up

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Okay, not literally because there’s no audio on this post…

This week we were asked to watch a series of videos(One, Two, Three, Four, Five) about creating audio and presenting stories through it. From the first video, the first thing that struck me was Ira stating to forget how they told you to tell a story in high school. Don’t use a topic sentence, a body and supporting sentences, just make the story flow like you were talking to a friend. To summarize the video though, Ira was telling a story about how to tell stories. Honestly it was beginning to bore me, but then I thought, “Hey, he’s saying how you can tell a boring story and keep listeners listening” and I thought that maybe I was thinking that something would eventually come up…may have been a tactic in that video.

The second biggest thing I took from the videos was “If you’re not failing all the time, you’re not creating a situation where you can get super lucky”. So Ira is right, we may not be good at first, but when we do create a piece of work and get super lucky, it will be REALLY good.

And the last thing I noted was that you don’t start great, you build up to it through perseverance. Ira explained that a lot of people get discouraged and walk away at this point. I think we were shown this to keep our hopes up about the upcoming weeks assignments with audio. Maybe we won’t create masterpieces, but everyone has to start somewhere.

On the final video, I like how Jad mentioned that radio allows listeners to paint their own picture instead of being shown one. This video was on YouTube, but I thought it would have been neat if we were told to click the play button, but then close our eyes and listen.

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