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The theme is GREEN!

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This is visual assignment 615. The directions were “Make an alphabetically themed collage. Compile images to represent each letter of the alphabet within a chosen subject area or theme. Create a collage. ” My theme is green! To make this collage I used GIMP.

First, I found all of the photos I was going to use and saved them in one folder. (I renamed them so they would be in alphabetical order, this made is A LOT easier.)

Now, open GIMP. Click on the “File” tab and go to “New”

This dialogue box should pop up, you can change the Image size to whatever you want. Then click “ok”

Now you should have a beautiful white space to work with:

Next, click on the “File” tab and go to “open as layers”

Highlight all of the photos you wish to use, then click “open”

Now you should have 26 layers of photos! (AKA pure chaos!)

Now all you have to the is move, scale, and rotate the photos however you want. (The tools move, scale and rotate are circled below)

Just keep playing around with it until you get the product you want!

This is what my collage ended up as:

I hope this helps you make GIMP collages!


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