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Daikatana Band

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Don’t know what Daikatana is? Me either. BUT, I did land on it randomly by doing my fourth visual assignment, “An Album Cover“. I think this is the coolest visual assignment I’ve done yet. Click the link and learn more if you want to make your own album cover! Here’s how I made mine.

Step 1. Click for the random Wikipedia page. This will be your band name. I got Daikatana:

Step 2. Get a random quote. The last few words of the last quote is your new band’s album title. I got the quote, “After all is said and done, a lot more will be said than done.”:

Step 3. You go to a Flickr link, and the third photo is now your album cover:


Now what you do is create an album cover with what you found and customize it to your hearts content! Once again, I’m not the biggest fan of GIMP, but it will do what you need it to and save you $600 instead of buying Adobe Photoshop…although I do love it =( Anyways, I created this album cover:I think this all goes together awesomely! Daikatana, not only is a first person shooter(according to wiki) but it makes me think “Die, Katana!” The picture goes well because the black and white, as well as the style of the building give  me an impression of an older/eerie feeling. Plus it’s deserted, like everyone died…(zombie apocalypse?) So then I have the witty quote left. Which I think is cool because if there was a zombie apocalypse, I feel more should be done than said…BUT THIS IS A MUSIC ALBUM SO IT ALL MAKES SENSE! More will be said BECAUSE they will sing! I put it in “Chiller” font to give it a creepier look.

I’m sorry if you don’t get it, but it makes PERFECT sense to me! And I had a blast doing it! Go create your own!


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