It was interesting organizing some of my photos into a Best set. Basically I chose my favorites. Most of them are scenery from Natural Bridge, North Carolina mountains, or campus. I added a few in of photos I edited for class assignments and was proud of!
The photo of my horses and the photo of my cousin playing in the leaves are two of my absolute favorites! It is so hard to get a decent photo of kids and animals because they will rarely stay still. The photo of my horses looks like they are posing for the camera, I LOVE IT! They look adorable and like they actually love each other. In the picture of my cousin, he looks genuinely happy! I love how natural this photo is (as opposed to posed.)
The cloud picture was completely random. I was just curious what would happen if I took a photo of clouds in front of the sun, so I tried it. I think it looks pretty cool.
I can’t wait to see how my best of set grows throughout the semester!
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