Find a good, brief joke in a language other than your mother tongue; if you don’t know any other languages this might be a good way to start learning. Record your voice telling the joke focusing on pronunciation and try to make it sound as natural as you can with appropriate vocal inflections. Add a (cc) music track underneath (maybe from and a laugh track ( is a good source) at the end.
This is a two star assignment.
I knew for this assignment I wanted to recite a joke in French. I had taken 4 years of French in high school and I am currently in French 202 at UMW. For this assignment I had to Google jokes in French that I thought would be appropriate. This is where I came across these french jokes for kids. It’s about a little boy named Toto who always seems to be getting in trouble at school. These jokes are known to kids who are all part of France. I then went to Freesounds and downloaded a laughter sound that sounded like a child laughing since this is supposed to be a joke for a child. I then recorded the joke into Audactiy and then I imported the laughter sound. Afterwards I converted the Audacity file into a .WAV file and uploaded it to Soundcloud.
This is the joke I recorded into Audacity, with the translation:
Toto rentre de l’école :
– Papa! Tu vas être fier de moi! J’ai été le seul à répondre à la question du maître! ? – Et c’etait quoi la question? – C’était: qui a posé une punaise sur ma chaise?
Toto comes back from school:
– Daddy! You’re gonna be proud of me! I was the only one who answered the teacher’s question! – And what was the question? – It was: “Who put a tack on my chair?”
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