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You Ate my Brownies Dave

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For this assignment I picked a back-and-forth scene in one of my favorite movies, 2001: A Sp

ace Odyssey and I took the place of the HAL-9000 computer. I spliced the clip into much shorter pieces in Windows Movie Maker and the clips in which HAL was talking, I muted, then pulled in mp3′s I recorded in Audacity with my chosen dialogue. It was time consuming but came out pretty well I think.

3/5 stars

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Joining the Conversation
For this assignment I picked a back-and-forth scene in one of my favorite movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey and I took the place of the HAL-9000 computer. I spliced the clip into much shorter pieces in Windows Movie Maker and the clips in which HAL was talking, I muted, then pulled in mp3′s I recorded in Audacity with my chosen dialogue. It was time consuming but came out pretty well I think.

3/5 stars


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