I think keeping archives of yourself is important weather digital or in a box as Grooms mentioned. Its good to remember the good and bad times and see how far you have come since then or what you keep repeating in life that you must change. I’m not much of a blogger but I do keep a blue box in my room that was given to me as a gift on my 16th birthday 4 years ago. Inside, I keep letters I’ve written to myself about my feelings, letters I’ve gotten from crushes, my current boyfriend, my sister, and also a picture of my parents before their divorce. This box is full of memories that make me extremely happy of who I am and how lucky I’ve been to have them in my life.
I have not yet decided wheater I would keep this website after this semester because im not a big blogger and the only use I had for it was this class assignments. I dont even use facebook or twitter often. I am more of a visual kind of girl so maybe ill turn it to a photography blog but I dont know yet.
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