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Assignment/Tutorial 2 Created

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Assignment 2, create your own theme song!

Piece together multiple songs in Audacity and make your own theme song! Can only be at most 1 minute long.

The first thing you need to do is pick at least 3 songs that symbolize who you are. I’m going to be choosing songs from my iTunes library.

My Songs:
As Long As You Love Me: Alex Goot
Ass Back Home: Secrets
Crazy Beautiful: Ashley Parker Angel

Open Audacity:Screen Shot 2012-12-14 at 3.33.46 PM

Import one of the songs you want to use: File- Import and find the song on your computer.
Screen Shot 2012-12-14 at 3.33.55 PM

You’re going to need to cut out the sections of the song you don’t want to use. Highlight the section of the song you’re NOT going to use.
Screen Shot 2012-12-14 at 3.40.10 PM

Screen Shot 2012-12-14 at 3.40.20 PM

Now you need to move them around so that they are where you want them. I wanted them to loop into each other so I lined them up. Use the button that looks like 2 arrows on a line and move the clips where you want them.
Screen Shot 2012-12-14 at 3.41.08 PM

Once it sounds good to you, export it to your computer by pressing File– Export– then follow the instructions!
Upload to Soundcloud and you’re good to go!

Here is mine:

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