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CAPYBARA&bird: the beginning

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There’s too many inspiring things in the world!  Not to say that inspiration or wonderment is bad – don’t get me wrong – but time is the most limited resource.  There is not enough time to cultivate creatively from every seed of inspiration.  I have dozens of notebooks filled with ideas saved for later.  In reflecting on the last two weeks’ Daily Creates, in which I experimented with a new medium, drawings in time, I realized that I can continue exploring new media in the spirit of the Daily Create, without holding myself beholden to the assignments.  I see The Daily Create as a motivator for people who don’t frequently exercise creativity to explore and experiment for a brief time every day or a few times a week.  Simple acts of creativity can be empowering.  Involved projects are challenging and invigorating.  In creating time-lapse drawings I inflated a 15-20 minute prompt into a 45-minute drawing with a 2 hour editing window.  I have learned a great deal about the software tools to make this possible, and have recorded new ideas for future projects involving techniques explored in these drawings.

I found it was time for me to reinterpret the Daily Create again, to keep more in its lighthearted spirit and brief, frequent creativity.  Contextual backstory tangent:  in another class, The Graphic Novel, groups have been assigned for the webcomic project.  This project’s relevant dates are weeks from now, so all my attempts at contacting and communicating wth my group members have been ignored or rebuffed.  It’s distressing, as for the past year, since discovering incredible creations such as Remind and The Wormworld Saga I have accrued accounts and advice on methods of designing, creating, and presenting stories in comic format.  I see it very likely that my group will procrastinate and collaborate poorly, limiting the amount of time available for me in my overcrowded schedule to create art in which I can take pride.  Consequently I realized that I should practice instead of having my very first attempt at creating a comic be rushed and beholden to other creative influences.  This realization and the desire to use the creative energy of DC fused.

The content of CAPYBARA&bird is appropriated from Sir David Attenborough’s Life of Birds.  At the end of the third episode, The Insatiable Appetite, I saw in a two-minute segment conveying some of the habits of cattle tyrants and obliging capybara a simple, universal narrative about relationships.  Potential for storytelling can come from two disparate elements interacting due to shared space.  There will be about five one-page chapters in CAPYBARA&bird, at least one a week, as it takes me several hours to deliberate and create a page.  Each day this week I committed at least 15 minutes to thinking and sketching so as to convey the simple episode in the most profound manner.   In this way I can channel the expressive spirit of the Daily Create into an exploration of digital storytelling and practice new skills.

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