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Post PhotoBlitz

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Phew.  I must say that was more fun than I expected.  It was also the first time that I’ve really appreciated photography as its own medium.  I usually find myself taking photographs for the purpose of recording events or inspiration, and collecting references for drawings.   Taking artistic photos can be really fun!  In order to finish within the time, I jumped around on the list: 1, 8, 10, 3, 13, 9, 5, 4, 2, 6, 11, 12, 14.  In the process, I missed #7, which I skipped several times because I was stumped mentally on how to take a picture embodying openness without falling in the cliché of door images.

Not only was I surprized by the amount of fun I had, but I’m also intrigued by how well the photos look in their inspired order:

PB 1

PB 2

PB 3

PB 4

PB 5

PB 6

PB 8

PB 9

PB 10

PB 11

PB 12

PB 13

PB 14

I’m contemplating how best to elaborate on these images with description and titles.  I feel bad for calling them each “PB #” as a placeholder as I uploaded them within the time limit.  I’ll think of something.

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