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The worms died. Week 5 wrap up.

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The worms died from lack of air. The whole moldy box was a health hazard anyway. I felt bad for a few days after wrapping the box in plastic and tossing it in the dumpster. The worms weren’t very lovable pets anyway, I had to remind myself – they were bait worms to begin with. I think it would just be best to volunteer at an animal shelter when I need to cuddle something furry and pet-like. The SPCA is actually quite close, though not close enough to bike (which would be incredible!).  No furry pets of my own though, exceeds my income by a good deal.

This week, I had the most fun with the PhotoBlitz exercise.  I now can use the Flickr app on my phone to take pictures at my convenience and upload them when I connect to WiFi automatically.  This makes it much easier to do photo assignments as it cuts out the steps of uploading pictures to the computer then uploading them to a website.  Its nice to have more on-the-go internet utilisation capability.  I feel empowered by the ability to better use my tools, especially the phone that is already a prosthesis through its messaging and e-mail purposes.

Pick A Bad Photo, Apply A Vintage Effect And Write Something In Helvetica

The first assignment I completed this week was the “Pick A Bad Photo, Apply A Vintage Effect And Write Something in Helvetica”,  As someone who is still overcoming the tendancy to photo-spam,  it was nice to use a photo otherwise lost in the shuffle of unsorted files, and add an accompanying quip.  It’s more interesting as a story than just an oddly-framed snapshot of a restaurant aquarium.

You’d think I’d have learned from last week’s fiasco to find a way to work on DS106 related work throughout the week, as it’s overwhelming to start working on Friday night or Saturday.  But it’s just not possible with my full class schedule and part time jobs – especially with the additional time necessary for Afterpiece preparations.  I hope with the additions I’ve made on my pocket computer with the Flickr, Tumblr, SoundCloud, and Google Drive apps, I can better blog on the go and stay abreast of my DS106 duties.  If only I could find a RSS feed app that would function well, it would be simpler to comment on other blogs. If only there were an official Google Reader app or some such…


Come to the opening on Wednesday if you’re near campus!  I’m going to have fresh cookies and my Dimensional Drawing (3D printed) individual study will be displayed.


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