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Video 3

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Video number 2 was inspired by Ashanti I hate that I love you video. I wanted to create a trailer for a music video. Why this one? Well, I she had what appears to be homemade videos in side of the music video. Thus, allowing the trailer to look more authentic and personal.

Below are my steps to creating this video

  1. Figure out how to use Imovie to make a trailer Screen Shot 2013-02-17 at 10.15.39 AMScreen Shot 2013-02-17 at 10.16.12 AMScreen Shot 2013-02-17 at 10.17.04 AMScreen Shot 2013-02-17 at 10.16.51 AM
  2. Download the video                       Screen Shot 2013-02-17 at 10.15.15 AM
  3. Choose Template from Imovie- Select the game
  4. Then, I upload the content and go to work. I watched the video numerous times to figure out what pieces I wanted in the film.
  5. From there I analyzed and placed the pieces where they needed to go.
  6. Extracted the Music and click finish

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