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Week Three!

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1.Upload a drawing of a place you’ve been, but NEVER want to go back to.

Toys r us

Most people would give me a weird look, Toys r Us for most people, is “kid heaven”. This image of Toys r Us died for me when i started working there. For anyone reading this, don’t ever take a job at Toys r us during the Hoildays!!!! It is the work!

2.Take a picture of something you made, be it food, art, or something else.


I made this master piece in 11th grade! (: I was part of the Art Club and we made ceramics. so i made a royal tub with lion paws!

3.Take a photo of someone that is nice and cozy in a blanket


Took a picture of my sister. She’s my go to person when i need to get things done!



I think her gif because it something simple and it takes me back to my childhood! Who hasn’t watched cinderella? Everyone wants that fairytale kiss! Check it out here!






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