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Oh no! (CT Final Project)

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I’ve combined two of my favorite assignments, the graphic gift and the GIF!  


In the wizard of oz Dorothy gets caught in a tornado called the cyclone. Out of her window is sees her family and neighbors flying outside the tornado doing some pretty normal stuff given the situation they are in, for example milking a cow or sewing on a rocking chair. To top that, she sees her neighbor turn into a witch! You can see this scene on youtube HERE!


Dorothy saw some pretty crazy stuff outside her window but i bet she would have never imagined this: Our generation’s Crazy!


Honey boo boo, the crazy pageant toddler!  Found the gif on tumblr!


Amanda bynes, i seriously did not see this coming! Who would have known one of my favorite child stars would turn mad?


Who hasn’t heard of snooki? This is one of the many bizarre moments of Jersey Shore, snooki gets punched in the face!

Here are my revisions! I used Photoshop to turn the Gif’s in a sepia color to match Dorothy’s scene!

oh-no-(1) OH-NO2-(1) OH-NO3-(1)

I included Professor Michael Smith’s version which i enjoyed very much:


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