Your mission, very possible.
Your Final Project
cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by gak
You can find all the details for the final project written up as a specification. To re-iterate
Now is your chance to put the storytelling and media skills you have practiced over the last 7 weeks to work. Each week you have been asked to describe something in the world that would be better understood via a story approach. You can now pick any of those ideas (or a new one) to develop as an storified message.
Note that you are not asked to re-design the thing itself, but to create a story structure that might be used to pitch it as a idea or that would better help promote a better understanding of the topic. Think of this as way of making a case for the way in which the thing you identified could theoretically be better designed, created, presented for improved understanding. Or a future scenario where this has happened, and your story represents a way in which a character has had success with the newly designed concept.
It should be fully understandable on its own and the story should serve the purpose of making it better understood than as currently found or as a justification for taking on said re-design.
The final project must be published to your blog by Monday May 12 at 11:59PM EST; there is no allowance for late submissions. This project is worth 20% of your final grade and is based on how well you are able to explain and present your ideas as a story, how you document the development, and how well the media supports the story.
Pay it Forward: The Extra Credit Version
Not required for credit, but if you seek a few bits of extra credit,
As you are all soon to be ds106 graduates, you are now experienced enough to create an advice piece for future students. It should be in the form of some kind of media (audio, video, set of animated gifs, etc.) It should NOT be a written essay- media is best. In this piece, consider what you would tell students of ds106 in the future about this class. What did you get out of it? What should they expect? How should they approach the work? What will they love/hate about the class? What will surprise them most about the class? What will they get out of the experience?
When you do this, make it conversational as if you are really talking to a future student. For reference, see examples created by previous students. Make it memorable!
Weekly Summary Checklist
- Final Project published as a WordPress PAGE on your site. Yty and add it as an item to your menu as well
- Final Project Simmary Post a writeup about the process for your project.
- Pay It Forward Advice (optional) a blog post with embedded media as advice to future ds106 students
DS106: Not Impossible. Now you have proof.
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