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#TAGS: New Homepage for Twitter Archiving Google Sheet

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Screen shot of "TAGS" home page.

Here at ProfHacker we’ve written quite a bit about Twitter over the years (as our archive of posts with the twitter tag reveals). One Twitter topic that we’ve addressed often is how best to maintain an archive of Tweets, whether your own or those associated with a particular hashtag. In two different posts, Mark introduced readers to what is, arguably, the best free solution for this: Martin Hawksey’s TAGS, “a free Google Sheet template which lets you setup and run automated collection of search results from Twitter.”

Well, now Hawksey has created a user-friendly site for this tool, complete with a help section and support forums.

The site also features this helpful tutorial video:

If you are relatively comfortable in the Google Sheets environment, can follow directions carefully, and are patient, then I strongly encourage you to give Hawksey’s TAGS a try.

Do you use Hawksey’s TAGS? What tips or advice do you have to share with others? Do you use something else to archive Tweets? If so, please provide details in the comments!

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