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Radio Show Final Reflection

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Listening to our show live was different then listing to it while we made it. I could see how it all flowed together and what sounded good and bad. Getting feedback from people on twitter was my favorite part. People seemed to like it for the most part and it was fun to play along with the jokes in our show. One of the only criticisms we got was that conversation sometimes seemed unnatural if we tried to jump into the conversation too fast. If I could change something I think it would be to fix that problem, also I would change my character to a woman so I didn’t have to avoid the question of why my male character has a female voice. I enjoyed the process of recording the most during this project. I think doing the interviews without a script was a really good way to go and it was really funny to hear what people made up on the spot. We were all laughing throughout the interviews so that’s why it was a really fun part of the project. The hardest part about this project was time management and getting everyone together around their schedules. I would advise future students to use the sound booth in the convergence center because that helped us have a lot of clarity in our show, while it was a little tough to understand people in other shows who didn’t use a studio or a good microphone.

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