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Tis The Season

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Of wrapping and remixing! Wrapping up of the Fall 2012 school semester, the end of DS106 Fall 2012 Semester, and presents of course! Over the past two weeks we’ve been to Thanksgiving with remixes, and now into December with mashing!

Thanksgiving seems like forever ago at this point, but I think I’ll blame school for the eternity of hell it seems everyone is going through. I have a “To do.” list sitting in front of me chock-full of assignments for every class that is due by next weekend…Oh boy, I better get a move-on! The upside to DS106, however, is that I have to create 2 tutorials, an assignment proposal (by Sunday), and my final project (by Dec. 14!) and I have already planned everything out! Yesssss, I have a plan and it will be executed in a timely manner! It may seem like all may be lost, but have no fear, I will prevail through this semester with flying colors!

Got a little side-tracked…so here’s what’s been going on in my DS world for the past two weeks:

What is remixing to me? Check out my post which contains some explanation and example videos. They made me further appreciate the hard work put in behind a good remix. In reality, some of us are cut out for remixing, others are not, and some can strike gold but it may take time. Go out and give it a whirl!

Remix for the week: Trust me, it’s Seusserific! Here I found out how tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming remixing was. This is the first time I’ve created a video with snapshots like this, and I liked the concept. I plan to make something in the future using the same method and make it flow better than what I had. Time = Gold in the life of Digital Storytelling!

First work at a mashup: Sheetz Long Lost Soda Believe it or not, Sheetz did have their own brand of soda…so technically this is a true story! But it’s been lost since the 90′s…so I took it upon myself to mash together a new line for Sheetz. Cheers!

Take Two: Don’t F*$# With the Law, okay but seriously…I am the law! This assignment took me back to my GIMP days…odd how I don’t miss them! (Photoshop for Christmas anyone? K, Thanks!) Anyways, I threw together “bad-ass” and “dumb-ass” and created a pretty decent movie cover. Check out the post to find out more ;)

Last but not least: Cleanup Crew, recycling and trolling all over the place. An assignment made for the strong-willed. Luckily we’ve opened up our minds in DS106 and know there are no limits. So string together whatever wacky, sad, funny, gross, horrifying story you can whip up. Just make a story with the garbage…did I say garbage? I meant recycled goods…because one DS106ers garbage media is another DS106ers Recycled Media Gold!

Remix is a remix of anything and everything. It makes sense to put this at the end of the semester. It’s a mix of imagery, video, audio, web, and design. Mash these all together, tell a story (or not) and you come up with something new. That something new may be gold, or it may just be another step in your journey to reach the top. Good luck to everyone who gives a try to remix, it’s hard, but rewarding!

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